Hair Donation Guidelines
Thank you for supporting the Angel Hair For Kids program. The program relies on hair and monetary donations to make custom hair replacements that look just like a child’s natural hair. It takes between 10 and 12 donated ponytails and $2,500 to make one hair prosthesis, so it’s very important to follow the guidelines for hair donations.
Acceptable Hair Donations
A minimum length of 12 inches is required.
Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 12 inches.
Hair that is slightly coloured or grey is acceptable. Perms or bleached hair is not.
Hair cut years ago is useable if it has been stored in a braided ponytail.
Hair that is shaved off, or swept off the floor, and is not in a braided ponytail is not usable.
Dreadlocks, wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair is not acceptable.
Hair Donation Preparation
Hair must be washed and thoroughly dry before it is cut.
Hair must be placed in a braid or ponytail.
Secure braid or ponytail with a strong rubber band or hair tie at both ends.
Cut the hair above the rubber band, NOT below.
Make sure the donor has the length they want left on their head without compromising the 12 inches needed.
Place the cut and dried braid or ponytail in a resealable plastic bag.
Hair donations may be delivered or mailed to Angel Hair For Kids, along with a completed Hair Donation form.

Hair must be washed and thoroughly dried.

Minimum length for hair donation is 12 inches.

Hair must be placed
in a braid or ponytail
before cutting.

Minimum length for hair donation is 12 inches.

We gratefully accept financial donations through